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EX18367 EAN: 8717703521603

Do you know more about love and sexuality than the other contestants? Then you are the sexexpert or Sexpert.

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Do you know more about love and sexuality than the other contestants? Then you are the sexexpert or Sexpert.

Tease & Please is expanding its successful range of erotic games with a daring quiz game about sex and love. Test your knowledge about sex by taking turns to draw a card with questions. The questions are diverse and surprising. And they may open doors that were previously closed to you. And of course the questions (especially the answers to them) are educational for everyone. Almost every question contains a detailed explanation in addition to the corresponding answer. Especially when it comes to sexuality, there are still many taboos and prejudices. SEXPERT puts an end to them once and for all.

The game contains more than 200 question cards (some with illustrations), a game board, 6 pions and 6 corresponding answer cards. The game box with the illustration of a stern schoolteacher reminds you and possibly challenges you, just like when you were at school, to do your best - if only for her sake.... You take it in turns to draw a card. This may contain an open question, a true/lie question or a multiple choice question.

Some questions must be answered alone, others require the participation of other players. Whether you know a lot or a little, whether you blush when talking about sex or not, you will always learn something from this game.


- Which sexual position burns the most calories (the one who acts as the active partner)?

- True or false? Women who often wear high heels experience a climax more intensively.

- In which specific situation does a man produce sperm that contains twice as many sperm as normal?

- Men also have a G-spot. Where is it?

SEXPERT not only increases the knowledge and insight but also the freedom with which sexuality can be treated. Tease & Please shares his knowledge with the knowledge of experienced sexologists and specialists in this stimulating game, full of things worth knowing. Excitement and pleasure are guaranteed!

Spécifications techniques
Poids et Emballage
624 gr
17.50 cm
17.50 cm
5.00 cm

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